Jurnal drug related problem pdf

Tidak ada hubungan antara faktor risiko umur dan jumlah obat yang diterima pasien dengan kejadian drug related problems drps. For instance drugtherapy problem is often used too, and was introduced by the group of cipolle, morley and strand. Data diambil pada periode bulan februari 2014 melalui rekam medik, wawancara dan pemberian kuisioner. Urinary tract infection uti is a disease in which the formation of microorganisms in large quantities in the urinary tract. Pada usia diatas 50 tahun prevalensi hipertensi meningkat hingga 50%. Thus, the further drug related problems drp evaluation is actually needed based the evidence. Penyalahgunaan narkoba di indonesia purwatiningsih. Because it has many side effect, its use should be carefull. Identifikasi drps penting untuk meningkatkan efektivitas terapi obat pada penyakit yang membutuhkan pengobatan sepanjang hidup seperti hipertensi. Sc, selaku dosen mata kuliah ilmu resep yang telah memberikan tugas ini. Mtf added questions about ghb to its year 2000 survey. The study focused on the analysis of effectiveness and drug related problems drps with the category of drug interactions and adverse drug events ades in knee oa patients in orthopedic and traumatology clinic, universitas airlangga teaching hospital, surabaya, indonesia.

An adverse drug reaction adr is an unwanted, unde sirable effect of a medication that occurs during usual clinical use. The patients of acute myocardial infarction always complaint their chest pain like a pinched, punched, burned and the intensity is mild or long duration. Evaluasi drug related problems drps potensial pada pasien hipertensi di instalasi rawat inap rs y periode tahun 2015 publikasi ilmiah disusun sebagai salah satu syarat menyelesaikan program studi strata i pada fakultas farmasi. A drug related problem is an event or circumstance involving drug therapy that actually or potentially interferes with. Analysis of effectiveness and drug related problems of pain. Identifikasi drug related problems drps potensial kategori. Drug related problems drug therapy problems atau permasalahan terkait obat atau permasalah terkait terapi obat pada pasien. Scientia terbit 2 kali setahun setiap bulan februari dan agustus. Drug related problems drp can cause problems in treatments of patients with ischemic stroke.

Sep 12, 2012 apoteker yang bergelut di ranah klinik dan komunitas pastinya dan sudah seharusnya akrab dengan istilah yang satu ini. Suatu kejadian dapat disebut drps bila memenuhi komponenkomponen. Scientia menerima artikel berupa hasil penelitian dan karya ilmiah dalam bidang ilmu farmasi dan kesehatan. Analisis karakteristik dan kejadian drug related problems. Us in comparison to india has this drug abuse problem in youngster. Drug related problems in a sample of outpatients with chronic diseases.

Penelitian bersifat deskriptif, pengambilan data dilakukan secara prospektif pada pasien hipertensi yang memenuhi kriteria inklusi. Type 2 diabetes t2dm patients with hypertension are at increased risk for experiencing drug related problems drps since they often receive multiple medications and have multiple comorbidities. Around 5% of all hospital admissions are the result of an adr, and around 10% 20% of inpatients will have at least one adr during. Frequently, national or local research on drug use among young people is based on different age groups or specially targeted. Effective solutions and prevention measures to social problems are easy to find when the root causes of such. The terms substance and drug are used interchangeably throughout this handbook. It is published by alcohol research documentation, inc. Kajian drug related problems drps pasien geriatri di. Memahami drug related problems drug therapy problems. Comparisons were also made with regard to the proportion of the respective groups 19901993 cohort versus subsample interviewed in 19982000 dropping out of school.

Aug 06, 2018 diabetes has forever been growing and since it is one of the most common diseases in the elderly, it has become imminent for everyone to read important health precautions to avoid this disease. Drinking patterns and problems among africanamericans. Factors influencing youth crime and juvenile delinquency john onyango omboto1, gerald o. Journal of drug issues jdi, published quarterly, has been dedicated since its inception to providing a professional and scholarly forum centered on the national and international problems associated with drugs, especially illicit drugs. One of sle threatment is corticosteroid as the antiinflamatory and immunosupression. Substance use and delinquent behavior among serious. The increasing number of available drugs, drug users and more complex drug regimens caused more side effect and potential drug interaction and lead to another problem, it is drug related problems.

Berikut ini adalah contoh artikel jurnal penelitian akuntasi keuangan yang merupakan kumpulan file dari berbagi sumber jurnal nasional, tentang drug related problem yang bisa bapakibu gunakan dan diunduh secara gratis dengan menekan tombol download biru dibawah ini. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengidentifikasi drps kategori ketidaktepatan dosis pada penatalaksanaan pasien hipertensi geriatri di instalasi rawat inap rumah sakit pku muhammadiyah surakarta. Drug once reaches to the subcutaneous layer crosses the membrane and absorbs into the blood. Risk and protective factors for mental, emotional, and. Recently injecting drugs users idus have been popular. However, few studies have been performed on t2dm patients with dyslipidemia. Available law enforcement statistics on seizures and trafficking primarily from the drug enforcement administration tend to corroborate the ethnographic and survey data. At the age above 50 years prevalence of hypertension increased up to 50%.

Apoteker yang bergelut di ranah klinik dan komunitas pastinya dan sudah seharusnya akrab dengan istilah yang satu ini. This study was to determine the correlation between the characteristics of patients with ischemic stroke and the drp. The retrospective study involved 208 t2dm inpatients and outpatients with dyslipidemia, and was. Pasienpasien dengan infark miokard akut selalu mengeluh dengan nyeri dada seperti dijepit, menekan, rasa terbakar dan intensitasnya berlangsung ringan atau lama. This material may be reproduced for educational purposes. Drug related problems potensial dapat dikatakan sebagai problem terapi yang mungkin akan terjadi berkaitan dengan pengobatan yang sedang dijalani oleh pasien. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui gambaran karakteristik pasien hipertensi, dan jenisjenis serta persentase drug related problems drps yang terjadi pada pasien hipertensi di puskesmas temindung samarinda. No statistically significant differences were observed. Drug related problems drps merupakan suatu kondisi terkait dengan terapi obat yang secara nyata atau potensial mengganggu hasil klinis kesehatan yang diinginkan. To date, there is a lack of studies conducted in t2dm patients with hypertension. Permasalahan terkait obat drug related problems drps beberapa kalangan kesehatan menyebutnya drug. Pemberian obat pasien perawatan intensif ratarata 9 obat. Evaluasi drug related problems drps pada pengobatan pasien.

Puji syukur kami panjatkan kehadirat tuhan yang maha esa karena dengan rahmat, karunia, serta taufik dan hidayahnya kami dapat menyelesaikan makalah tentang drps drug related problems. This study aims to analyze the drps and identify factors affecting the drps in this patient population. This purpose of this study was to assess drug related problems drps and factors associated with its occurrence. Pada tahun 2007 di unit pelayanan farmasi rumah sakit pku muhammadiyah yogyakarta, laporan kejadian tidak diinginkan ktd yang diambil berdasarkan. Identifikasi drug related problems drps kategori interaksi. Drug related problems drps commonly occur among type 2 diabetes mellitus t2dm patients. Treatment of acute myocardial infarction in patients needs mahy varieties medicine so it can enlarge the possibility of drug related problems drps. Acknowledgements we would like to extend our thanks to.

Pcne classification scheme for drug related problems v5. The retrospective study involved 208 t2dm inpatients and outpatients with dyslipidemia, and was conducted at a. Dec 17, 20 drug related problems drps commonly occur among type 2 diabetes mellitus t2dm patients. Patient need drug therap y problem appropriate indication 1. Jan 07, 20 drugrelated problems in patients with angina pectoris, type 2 diabetes and asthmainterviewing patients at home. In order to increase rational use of drugs, pharmacists have an important role in identifying and solving problems related to drug related problem drp, both potential and actual. Drug therapy for treating osteoarthritis is nsaids, supplements and corticosteroids. In order to get an overview of studies on drug related problems in hospitalised patients, with specific attention to the incidence of drug related problems and their costs, to the possibilities of. Hal ini menyebabkan kemungkinan besar terjadi interaksi obat dan sebagian besar darinya relevan secara klinik. Djamil hospital padang is drug interaction, less dosage, and adverse drug reactions. Penelitian penelitian sebelumnya menunjukkan faktor risiko terjadinya drps antara lain. Information on substance use and drug related problems among very young people is scarce and is often not harmonised at european level.

One drug related problem is drug interactions with medications. Pharmaceutical care is a necessary element of healthcare, and should be integrated with other elements. Berikut ini adalah download jurnal gratis yang merupakan kumpulan file dari berbagi sumber tentang drug related problem jurnal yang bisa bapakibu gunakan dan diunduh secara gratis dengan menekan tombol download biru dibawah ini. It is a refereed publication with international contributors and subscribers. Risk and protective factors for mental, emotional, and behavioral disorders across the life cycle individual risk factor protective factor sources of riskprotective factors type of factor disorders family schoolcommunity depression substanceabuse schizophrenia conduct disorders source. National research council and institute of medicine.

Drugrelated problems in type 2 diabetes mellitus patients. From the results of this study, it can be concluded that the category of drug related problems found in patients suppurative chronic otitis media in the ent ward of dr. Evaluasi drug related problems drps potensial pada pasien. Definisi drug related problems drps merupakan situasi tidak ingin dialami oleh pasien yang disebabkan oleh terapi obat sehingga dapat berpotensi menimbulkan masalah bagi keberhasilan penyembuhan yang dikehendaki. Substance use and delinquent behavior among serious adolescent offenders. The increasing of drugs abuse cases predicted to create a lost generation since the most abuser is young generation. Adverse drug reactions may cause patients to lose confi dence in or have negative emotions toward their physicians and seek selftreatment options, which may consequently precipitate additional adrs. It seeks to publish material on the social, political, legal, and health contexts of psychoactive substance use, both licit and illicit. Pengobatan pada pasien infark miokard akut memerlukan banyak obat dan bermacammacam sehingga memberbesar kemungkinan terjadinya drug related problems drps. Frequently, national or local research on drug use among young people is based on different age groups or specially targeted populations.

Drug related problems drps merupakan suatu peristiwa atau keadaan dimana terapi obat berpotensi atau secara nyata dapat mempengaruhi hasil terapi yang diinginkan. Development of an evidencebased checklist for the detection of drug related problems in type 2 diabetes. In this route of administration the drug is given into the subcutaneous layer with the help of injection. Drug related problem drp atau masalah terkait obat adalah bagian dari asuhan kefarmasian pharmaceutical care yang menggambarkan suatu keadaan, dimana profesional kesehatan apoteker menilai adanya ketidaksesuaian pengobatan dalam mencapai terapi yang sesungguhnya hepler, 2003. Categories of drinking patterns frequently are based on indexes of. Drug related problems potensial kemungkinan besar dapat terjadi pada pasien disebabkan resiko yang akan terjadi bila farmasis tidak segera turun tangan. Pola penggunaan dan analisa drug related problems obat. The most alarming trend is the use of illegal drugs like tobacco, and alcohol among the youth.

Drug related problems in type 2 diabetes patients with. Adverse drug reactions occur almost daily in health care institutions and can adversely affect a patients quality of life, often causing considerable morbidity and mortality. Pcne classification scheme for drug related problems5. It seeks to publish material on the social, political, legal, and health contexts. Besides, another health problem will follow especially in reproductive health problems. Drug related problems drps, yaitu kejadian yang melibatkan terapi obat yang secara nyata atau potensial terjadi akan mempengaruhi hasil terapi yang diinginkan. Terminology the term drug related problem is not unique for a problem with pharmacotherapy. Kajian drug related problems pasien otitis media supuratif. Drinking patterns the term drinking patterns refers to various styles of drinking, such as abstention or heavy drinking. Pharmaceutical care 8 olving actual drug related problems, and r 3. Drug related problems drps are part of pharmaceutical care that describes a situation in which healthcare professionals apothecaries evaluate a treatment discrepancy in achieving actual therapy. Pdf permasalahan terkait obat drug related problems. At the age above 50 years prevalence of hypertension. Permasalahan terkait obat drug related problems drps pada penatalaksanaan penyakit ginjal kronis dengan penyulit penyakit arteri koroner drug related problems in the management of chronic.

Jenis dan jumlah drug related problem pada 6 pasien ggk di rs pgi cikini periode mei juni 2015. The errors refer to the mistakes in the process that could lead. Evaluasi penggunaan obat antihipertensi pada pasien. Investigators interviewed 1,354 young offenders from philadelphia and phoenix for 7 years after their convictions to learn what factors e. Additionally, the dysfunctional behaviors that result from drug abuse can interfere with a persons normal functioning in the family, the workplace, and the broader community.

Drug related problem, pharmaceutical care, medication errors drug related problems are an essential term in the world of pharmaceutical care. Evaluasi drug related problems drps pada pasien autoimmune hemolytic anemia aiha anak rawat inap di rsup dr. Kejadian drug related problems drps pada pasien penderita pneumonia komuniti berdasarkan panduan pdpi perhimpunan dokter paru indonesia di poliklinik paru rsud jendral ahmad yani periode april 2014. Scientia adalah jurnal ilmiah yang diterbitkan oleh sekolah tinggi farmasi indonesia yayasan perintis padang sejak tahun 2011. The study aims to determine usage patterns and analysis of corticosteroid drug related problems patient lupus in internal medicine wards at rsup dr. Dari data tersebut selanjutnya dianalisis karakteristik pasien dan adanya kejadian drug related problems drps. This study was conducted to evaluate the drug related problems drp of antidiabetic drugs. Peranan farmasi klinik antara lain mengidentifikasi, mencegah, dan mengatasi drug related problems drps. Scribd is the worlds largest social reading and publishing site. A drugrelated problem is an event or circumstance involving drug therapy that actually or potentially interferes.

Drugrelated problems in a sample of outpatients with chronic. Correlation between geriatric ischemic stroke patient characeteristic and drug related problems. Dwi sri handayani, rolan rusli, arsyik ibrahim, analisis karakteristik dan kejadian drug related problems pada pasien hipertensi di puskesmas temindung samarinda, jurnal sains dan kesehatan. The journal of studies on alcohol and drugs 2007present is the oldest substance related journal published in the united states, formerly the journal of studies on alcohol 19752006 and the quarterly journal of studies on alcohol 19401974.

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi dan menganalisa drug related problems drps pasien geriatri di rawat jalan rumah sakit universitas andalas. The effects of marijuana legalization and decriminalization on campus safety at institutions of higher education 5 background marijuana is the most commonly used illicit drug in the united states, and its popularity is growing. Drugs like cocaine, heroin, marijuana, methamphetamine and other illicit drugs are used in us. Sardjito yogyakarta tahun 20092014 skripsi diajukan untuk memenuhi salah satu syarat memperoleh gelar sarjana farmasi s.

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